One of the key factors affecting the long-term functioning of that construction is the control of water from runoff or from phreatic surfaces within the ground.

Soils can become weaker due to excessive or unmanaged water, which can lead to a variety of issues. One of the key factors affecting the long-term functioning of that construction is the control of water from runoff or from phreatic surfaces within the ground.

Although widely recognised, the significance of efficient drainage within slopes and behind buildings (such as concrete retaining walls, continuous piles, diaphragm walls, and structures in contact with soil strata) is frequently disregarded. Traditional granular material drains are frequently put in without realising how effective they are in draining water and taking up needless space.

Traditional granular drains can be replaced with our MacDrain line of drainage geocomposites, which is both more affordable and more effective from a technical standpoint. By creating a free conduit, MacDrain® allows water to flow from nearby soils. The environmental advantages are increased by decreasing or completely eliminating the gravel drainage column, which lowers the amount of gravel that must be mined, extracted, and transported on trucks to the project site.

Our expertise in manufacturing enables us to create mixtures of drainage core materials and geotextiles with the goal of determining the best solution for a certain application in order to meet all technical and financial requirements.

Faster installation, measurable long-term performance, and cost savings are just a few advantages that our regulated manufacture and lab-tested performance have over conventional gravel drainage.


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