There are several problems that cause sub-grades and access tracks made of unbound materials to prematurely age the road, including:

  • Failure in bearing capacity.
  • Separate settlement.
  • Rutting Access over saturated/wet ground Thickness of construction layer.
  • Inferior grades.

Numerous applications, such as railroad track beds, forestry trails, mining haul roads, building sites, and parking lots, are affected by these effects.

A road or track bed performs better, has a longer lifespan, and requires less maintenance when reinforced properly and put within unbound granular layers. Granular materials perform better than they would in an unreinforced state thanks to the cooperation of the geogrid reinforcement.

In order to improve resistance to deformation and rutting, two mechanisms increase the elastic modulus and bearing capacity.

  • The aggregate particles are restrained laterally.
  • Effect of a tensioned membrane

Enhancing efficiency while decreasing thickness. Additionally, reinforcing can increase the functionality of the subgrade and reduce layer thickness by a third.


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