When a gabion wall or revetment needs a stronger than usual face, using strong face gabions is a great option. The units can be employed in circumstances where the gabion structure is under heavier loads or where a higher level of abrasion resistance is needed on the gabion face. This might happen, for instance, during river or lake construction, where there is a higher danger of damage due to the possibility of ice movement.

Our gabion baskets are constructed from premium steel wire that has been highly galvanised to prevent corrosion over the long term. For gabions that will be utilised in more hostile conditions or where a longer design life is needed, a second protective polymeric coating is also added.

Gabions are made with steel wire mesh with a diameter of 3.4 mm on the front or one side in order to increase abrasion resistance and front face strength. Mesh with a diameter of 2.7 mm is used to create the gabion’s other faces. All mesh panel edges are selvedged with a wire that is larger in diameter to strengthen the construction.

Strong face gabions are separated into cells using diaphragms that are spaced 1 metre apart. To create flexible, permeable, monolithic structures like retaining walls, channel linings, and weirs for erosion control projects, they are filled with stones at the project site.


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