Due to the consolidation of a soft foundation, it is frequently required to restrict the vertical settlement of an embankment. For Example:
  • Differential settling as well as thick layers of soft soil can be problematic.
  • Construction next to buildings with stacked foundations (e.g. bridge support piers).
  • Serviceability restrictions that are delicate for the embankment above.

The embankment is normally constructed on a piled base in these circumstances.

When utilised in conjunction with piles, high strength geogrids—which combine high strength with exceptionally low strain characteristics—can replace the embankment foundation slab. These grids are positioned in a granular raft in a single layer, directly on top of the pile caps.

The grids, which have design lives of more than 120 years, absorb the pressures conveyed from the embankment above and transfer them vertically into the supporting piles by cooperating with the soils. The geogrid improves the performance of the piled embankment as a whole, allowing for greater pile spacing and lower costs.


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