Seagrass meadows are significant elements of the coastal environment because they slow flow rates, promote sedimentation, and prevent erosion. Additionally, they trap carbon and create crucial marine habitats for flora and fauna.

By lowering current flows around seagrass meadows to promote vegetation regrowth, our solutions can be used to stabilise these significant environmental features. We employ our reinforced special geomats to give weak seagrasses a root anchorage as they try to colonise sea floors. A similar strategy is used to rebuild storm-damaged reef zones, frequently in conjunction with special bags and tubes.

While salt-marshes occur in the intertidal zone and are regularly flooded, seagrass meadows are always under water. Our solutions can be used to strengthen salt marshes, which act as a natural barrier between the land and the sea. Natural channel reinforcement and erosion control technologies are frequently needed at their margins.


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